Our Role in Governance
BW Epic Kosan is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. We promote transparency and accountability in our business.
We conduct our business activities responsibly and uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity. This extends to our suppliers, contractors and business partners. We believe that strong governance is pivotal to long-term value creation.

Business Ethics
BW Epic Kosan’s sustainability strategy is driven by its strong governance structure, which oversees the execution of ESG initiatives in alignment with its business strategy

We conduct our business activities responsibly and uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity. This extends to our suppliers, contractors and business partners. We believe that strong governance is pivotal to long-term value creation.
To this end, BW Epic Kosan has policies and processes in place to ensure accountability to all stakeholders. We do not tolerate any unethical or illegal activities and we comply with all prevailing laws and regulations. BW Epic Kosan is also a member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (‘MACN’) – a global business network that is working towards the vision of a maritime industry free of corruption, enabling fair trade for the benefit of society at large.
We do not tolerate any acts of bribery, corruption, anti- competitive behaviour or violations of human rights, including forced or child labour. We support the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our Code of Conduct, applicable to all employees including those at subsidiaries and affiliates, obliges everyone to observe the highest standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of duties and responsibilities. Onshore employees and seafarers alike are required to acknowledge and understand our Code of Conduct prior to the start of their employment, and attend relevant trainings. We also require our suppliers to follow our Supplier Code of Conduct which stipulates our minimum standards in relation to human rights, health and safety, environment and business conduct.
Whistleblowing Policy
Through our Whistleblowing Policy, onshore employees and seafarers can raise concerns and report suspected cases of malpractice and unethical or illegal activities in strictest confidence, without fear of retaliation. Such reports are made first to the immediate supervisors of the employees or the Human Resources department. The reports may also be made directly to the Chief Executive Officer. In cases where reporting to the Management is inappropriate, concerns are to be addressed to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, or Chairman of the Board. The Audit Committee will review all whistleblowing reports lodged and ensure that investigations and follow-up actions are taken. Our Whistleblowing Policy is also applicable to our suppliers. In 2023, this programme was taken further – we adopted EthicsPoint, an online platform where employees can anonymously report their concerns regarding possible breaches of ethics or standards of professional conduct.
Grievance Policy
To address any form of discrimination and unfair treatment, we have in place a Grievance Policy for all employees to raise any complaints to the Management confidentially and without any fear of retaliation. Employees should initially raise their concerns to their Supervisors, Section Heads and Heads of Department. Should their grievances not be resolved at that stage,an appeal should then be written and submitted to the Human Resources Manager for review, who will then consult the Chief Executive Officer for further action and advise accordingly. This procedure includes, but is not limited to, workplace improvement suggestions and, if necessary, extends to disciplinary action. BW Epic Kosan treats every complaint seriously and will deal with all complaints promptly, fairly and transparently.
Cyber Security
The maritime sector is on the verge of digital disruption, and closely accompanying this is the increased infrastructure exposure to cyber vulnerabilities and threats. Failure to address these threats can impact our operations and may lead to financial implications for BW Epic Kosan.
Our Cybersecurity Policy addresses cybersecurity issues. It puts in place measures to safeguard information assets from any threats, whether internal or external, intentional or unintentional. We also monitor and review our IT architecture solutions regularly. Recognising that staff play an important part in building cybersecurity resilience, we require all employees to attend Information Security and Privacy Awareness (‘ISPA’) and cybersecurity training regularly. As a company, we are ISO 27001:2013 certified for our Information Security Management System (‘ISMS’).
More About Our ESG Activities
Learn more about our commitment to sustainability.